來自英國的經濟學人雜誌(The Economist)自1843年創立以來,一直都是英語文化圈中高品質的政經時事報刊代表。這本雜誌每週為讀者帶來世界各個角落的報導、針對財經、商業、文化、科技等領域發表文章。在台灣,也有不少人將經濟學人或時代雜誌等刊物作為英語學習的管道,培養英語閱讀的習慣。但經濟學人從來就不是很平易近人的刊物,其目標讀者是具母語能力的高知識份子,文章時常出現長難句、不常見的單詞,更棘手的是使用許多英語文化圈中的譬喻或雙關等等。
這裡我找了一篇刊登於2020年12月20日的文章,標題是:The year when everything changed。如果沒有訂閱經濟學人,可以看這裡。
The article discusses how the Covid-19 pandemic has brought about significant changes that will impact the future of the world. It draws parallels between the pandemic and other events such as the Spanish Flu, the Roaring Twenties, and World War II, which also led to significant social changes. The author points out that the pandemic has highlighted injustices and inequalities in society, and how it has served as a warning of the need to address climate change and the treatment of animals. The article argues that the pandemic has also been an engine for innovation, particularly in areas like e-commerce, renewable energy, and healthcare. It praises the speed at which scientists were able to sequence the virus and develop vaccines, as well as the role of innovative government policies in dealing with the pandemic. The article concludes by stating that the pandemic has shown that change is possible, even in conservative industries, and that innovation will continue to burn through industry after industry, leading to significant changes in the future.
本文第一段以1920年代的美國作為背景,人們經歷完第一次世界大戰和西班牙流感,不只迅速地恢復常態,甚至各方面都快速向前,創造出「咆哮的二十年代」(Roaring Twenties)。此段目的是想藉1920年代和2020年的疫情互作參照,提示了2020年,人們同樣能夠在歷劫之後,創造出更多可能性。來看看ChatGPT分析第一段在文章中的作用,看起來是十分準確。
The purpose of the first paragraph is to draw a parallel between Warren Harding’s campaign in 1920, which promised a return to normalcy after the upheavals of the First World War and the Spanish flu, and the current pandemic, which has caused immense suffering and revealed injustices, but also has the potential to lead to significant changes in society. The paragraph also highlights how the Roaring Twenties turned out to be a time of innovation and forward-looking social, industrial, and artistic novelty, despite Harding’s promise of normalcy.
接下來看看本文的一長難句:At a time when conspiracies run wild, this research stands as a rebuke to the know-nothings and zealots in dictatorships and democracies who behave as if the evidence for a claim is as nothing next to the identity of the person asserting it. (在陰謀論甚囂塵上之際,這樣的研究有力駁斥了獨裁和民主國家中那些不看證據只看說話者身分的無知和狂熱分子。)ChatGPT同樣很清楚的解釋了句型和文法:
總結來說,我對於ChatGPT理解文本和分析文法句構的能力感到滿意,而且對話的形式對於學習是很有力的方式。它能記住整篇文章,所以使用者可以不停追問下去,例如上面提到的長難句,我可以請他進一步解釋"next to"在句子裡的意義(它回答:意思同於"compared to"或"in relation to")。我想ChatGPT確實能成為我們英語閱讀和學習的好夥伴,往後我也會多利用它來閱讀經濟學人。
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